miercuri, 13 mai 2015

A Little Guide for a Succesful Erotic Massage Session

Besides the sexual easily tempt it emits, erotic massage means more than this because is an excellent method of stress release and a more than good method to erotic stimulate both women and men. Besides the relaxation and wellbeing that can offer a relaxing massage session, a session of erotic massage can provide full relaxation and even body because the techniques are much different from classic massage techniques.
A few tips to keep in mind when doing a massage session:
- Create a relaxed atmosphere and pleasant
- Choice of relaxing music like Buddha bar, but be careful not to be too relaxed because his partner did not fall asleep during the massage session
- The use of special oil massage oils carefully to be warm before use
- The use of candles and incense that will provide a relaxing atmosphere
- It is recommended even a hot shower before massage session because warm water opens the pores and the oils will absorb much better
- An extra binding recommendation of my partner's eyes during the massage session because you perceived sensations will be more intense.
- Ask your partner if they fantasize before and if you want those fantasies to be fulfilled ... also attention to areas where girls do not want to be touched ... you do not want to spoil all the charm of a small proastioara.

Given the small tips that I gave you above will surely be able to give her partner a memorable massage session in your own home ... Take advantage of my tips and strengthen the relationship between you two.

miercuri, 11 februarie 2015

Despre instrumentele necesare unui audit

       In scopul de a tine pasul cu valoarea coplesitoare de sarcini cu care marketingul online are de a face in fiecare zi, s-au inventat o multime de instrumente gratuite SEO , pe care le putem folosi pentru a  ne face viata mai usoara. Cu un aflux constant in crestere al noilor tehnologii in industria de marketing digital, responsabilitatile cand vine vorba de search engine optimization nu mai sunt concentrate in jurul optimizarii on page si off-page a strategiilor de link building. SEO s-a confruntat cu o serie de noi sarcini și provocari legate de ratele de conversie  cu uzabilitate si obiective. Eu abia stiu pe cineva care ar fi capabil sa faca treaba lui fara a utiliza vreun instrument  pentru un audit seo gratuit. Acestea sunt elementele obligatorii, deoarece permit sa se examineze defectele tehnice ale unui anumit site, dar ofera si perspective bune cu privire la modul de a structura o campanie SEO.  
          Pentru oamenii normali, procesul general de audit al unui site poate fi descurajator si consumator de timp, dar cu instrumentele potrivite, cum ar fi Screaming Frog SEO Spider, sarcina poate deveni mai usoara pentru cei care sunt la inceput, dar si pentru profesionisti deopotriva.  Cu o interfata user-friendly, foarte, Screaming Frog poate fi o extrem de folositor.
        Caracteristicile sunt numeroase, dar acesta poate fi folosit pentru audituri ale site-ului, cuvinte cheie de cercetare, analiza concurentiala, link building si multe altele. Recunosc, imi plac auditurile seo tehnice, si va incurajez pe toti sa le testati, nu aveti nimic de pierdut avand in vedere de costuri care sunt zero. Doar stiti cum se spune, practice makes perfect!